Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tash Parker- The Sandringham Hotel

My FasterLouder review - 21/06/10

Tash Parker
charmed the audience at The Sandringham Hotel with her jazz-inspired folk tunes. Though petite, she dominated the stage with her incredible vocal range.

Starting off with an acoustic song, I Feel Nowhere invited the audience into a story about the insecurities felt by artists. The simple arrangement of the poetic guitar melodies allured the crowd. Her voice, so fluid in motion easily moved from the high to low register with the smoothest of transitions.

The erratic syncopation in Move Around livened things up a little, whilst Understand silenced the crowd with its magical harmonies. So delicate in nature, yet its effects so powerful. The same goes for her flawless falsetto in On The Wind.

Her comical stage banter revealed her quirky personality, which was also scattered through her performance. Stopping midway throughout Move Around, she showed the audience that the notes being played were the same notes from the theme song of the TV series The Jetsons, which amused the crowd.

Towards the end of her set, the sound amplified with a full band on stage for I Take The Blame and Not Unprepared. A soft-natured voice like hers could have easily been drowned out with additional instruments. However the use of a full band did not affect this at all, as she powerfully projected her voice, even in the higher range of her vocals. With the crowd grooving along to the jazzy beats, Not Unprepared ended the night with a joyous vibe.

The night not only showcased the flawless vocals of Tash Parker, but also the genuine stories within her songs.

Keep an eye out for her in the upcoming months!

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