Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Boy & Bear - The Annandale Hotel

Photo credit: Max Knight

My FasterLouder review - 12/06/10

Boy & Bear
reached all expectations in their sold out show at the Annandale Hotel. After spending the last six months supporting other bands, this was their first headlining tour of the year.

The night began with Perth-based band The Chemist, who gave the audience a taste of their circus inspired pop-rock. Next up was Oh Ye Denver Birds, who attempted to create a certain style of sound (similar to Parades), but instead produced a messy fusion of rock and electronic music.

The Annandale Hotel was an interesting choice of venue for headlining act Boy & Bear, as it usually attracts a rowdy crowd. A little too rowdy perhaps, for the style of music produced by the folk band. Their set began with Blood to Gold, the first track off their debut EP, With Emperor Antarctica. Front-man Dave Hosking soothed any doubts that live, his voice would not reach the standard of their recorded tracks. Easily projecting his voice through the crowded room, it was as powerful and as delicate.

Rabbit Song
was a definite highlight, and an obvious favourite of the crowd’s. Their performance featured flawless vocal glissandos from Hosking, as well as a tight-knit percussive drive. One of the best things in a live performance is seeing the artist on stage enjoy and feel the emotion of their music. Electric guitarist Killian Gavin got into those meticulous guitar motifs with such enthusiasm and was a pleasure to watch.

After playing a couple of new songs including Eden, Lordy-may and two Untitled tracks, they played a cover of Flume by Bon Iver. Thinking this was a risky choice at first, they proved me wrong. Their simple arrangement of the banjo and acoustic guitar did the song justice. Ending with a 5-part vocal harmony, so together and solid in form, it was a harmonically magical moment.

The show ended with the very popular Mexican Mavis. Stretching out the intro and adding additional lyrics, they transformed the song into a two-part finale. After the climactic fusion of harmonies, they dropped back into the single-melody verse of Mexican Mavis. This brought on a new dimension of their performance abilities as they strayed away from their rather safe renditions of other songs performed that night. The show ended with a naturally provoked sing-a-long, the crowd singing the last line with Hosking, word for word.

3 1/2 stars out of 5

To read the review on FasterLouder head to:

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